Stealing the Tweetie 2 tabbar indicator
Sometimes you see something so obvious, yet totally original that just seems like the "proper" way of doing it. The latest case for me was in atebits' Tweetie 2 for iPhone. The tab bar has a tiny arrow that animates to indicate the currently selected tab item. In addition to a custom, yet standard indication by turning the icon blue-ish this small animation just makes it even more clear to the user where they are.
So in the tradition of stealing great ideas I tried to find out how to do this. Queue Picasso quote here. Anyways, turns out it was fairly simple - it came down to:
- creating a view to contain a TabBarController and be its delegate
- adding an indicator image to the TabBarController's tab bar
- animating the image to the selected tab bar index when the TabBarController's
method is fired
I created a small Xcode project (following the NIB-less way) that shows how I cloned it. You can see it in action below:
You can download the Xcode project here. Next up is the pull-down to reload mechanism :)