Embedding Gists on Squarespace

I'm a big fan of Squarespace and the new platform is very well done. There are however a few things now and then that confuse me and one of these is embedding gists from Github.

I thought you'd use an Embed block for this, but for some reason this doesn't work.

The obvious choice?

The obvious choice?



Instead you have to scroll down (or search for) the Code block and paste the embed script in there.

The not so obvious choice

The not so obvious choice

Not quite as obvious as I thought, but at least it works.

Below is a random gist I use for converting WAV files to CAF for embedding in iOS apps:

The screenshots were edited in Napkin. Its great, you should try it.

Paulo Fierro
maker of digital things. co-founder of jadehopper. rum aficionado.

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