Disabling emoji characters with Unicode variants
I'm currently working on an internal iOS app and while I was working on putting together the About screen I ran into an issue where unicode characters in a UILabel were being displayed as emoji by iOS. While this is kind of awesome, its not really what I was going for.
So my code:
label.text = @"Made with ❤ by jadehopper ltd.";
results in:
To disable the emoji character we have to tell iOS to use the variant of this character. In order to do this we change the label text to:
label.text = @"Made with ❤\U0000FE0E by jadehopper ltd.";
which results in:
Much better! If you want to read up on Unicode and its variants check this out.
Update Jan 20, 2015
Recently I tried to do this in Swift and it didn't quite work. The trick is to set the text as the following:
label.text = "Made with ❤\u{0000FE0E} by jadehopper ltd."